Are you ready to grow
your business internationally?
We at the British Embassy in Stockholm and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce (SCC) in London are delighted to be working together to support Swedish business via our Sweden, UK, the World campaign.
So, why choose the UK?
The UK has a high spending consumer market and an open, liberal economy, where there is access to world-class talent and a business friendly regulatory environment. It also benefits from a unique position with regard to language, its renowned legal system, access to funding, and limited red tape. And it’s not far from home. This makes the UK one of the easiest markets to set-up, scale and grow a business.

The population of the UK at mid-year 2020 was estimated to be 67.1 million.

The gross domestic product of the UK in 2020 was £1.96 trillion.

Largest urban agglomerations in the United Kingdom in 2020.

Clean growth and Smart City technology
Electricity generation in the UK was the greenest on record in 2020, according to the National Grid Electricity Systems Operator (ESO). The average carbon intensity over the year fell to 181g of CO₂ per kilowatt hour (gCO₂/kWh), a reduction of 66% over the last seven years.
Electric vehicles
The British automotive industry is a vital part of the UK economy. It is worth more than £82 billion in turnover and adds £18.6 billion value to the UK economy. However, with cars and vans accounting for almost a fifth of emissions, the UK is taking decisive action to end the sale of new fossil fuel-operated cars and vans by 2030.
Business culture
How well do Swedes acclimatise to the British working environment, and what are the biggest misconceptions of Swedish and British business cultures?